Shambhala New York offers a special soul podcast called ‘Meditation in the City’. I listen to it on my iPhone using the Overcast app.
There’s a particular episode that I wanted to share. The episode’s description is: “We all experience fear. How does the gentleness cultivated in meditation practice help us work with this experience? Is true fearlessness possible?”
This was great stuff – calming brain food. Click here to head to the web page for this podcast episode.
The speaker is someone named Natalie Baker. I like her voice – it doesn’t put me to sleep and it doesn’t make my spine want to shatter.
I went onto the web and found a page for the podcast. This particular episode is about an hour long. Sixty soul minutes.
And this is about Natalie Baker:
Natalie Baker, founder of Buddhist Psychotherapy NY & Neurofeedback NY, is a licensed psychotherapist and certified neurofeedback trainer in New York. She has been a student and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism and Shambhala Buddhism since the 90s.